Service to Community. Academics. Arts. Athletics.
Our mission at Orthodontic Associates goes beyond creating the Hollywood smile for each patient. Our orthodontists and staff are passionate about giving back to the community who has supported our endeavor to create beautiful smiles throughout the decades. Community involvement is critically important to our practice as is our desire to support our current patients, their families, local schools, organizations, etc., who also seek to give back to the communities of Northwest Ohio and enrich the mind, body and spirit of our patients.
If you are seeking sponsorship or donation from Orthodontic Associates, please submit the request form below. We ask that you submit your request at least 30 days in advance of any deadline. Although we would LOVE to honor every request that is received, it is not possible. If you do not hear from us assume we have kindly declined. Please be thorough in the explanation of your request. Preference will be given to those sponsorships / donations requests that are in line with our mission at Orthodontic Associates.